Are the products offered in the store available?
All products displayed in the store are available for immediate delivery.
What payment methods are available?
We provide you with online payment methods with credit cards with installment payment by Tamara.
How long does it take to deliver the order?
The order is processed within 1-3 days and shipping within the UAE takes one day and outside the UAE 2-7 days.
How is the order delivered?
Upon completion of the order, it is delivered to the shipping company or our distributors, which in turn communicates with the customer.
I bought a product and it did not match the description, I want a refund, what is the method?
The customer can return the amount or exchange the product with another product for the same amount.
What is the period for returning and exchanging products?
We will be informed of the products to be replaced within 3 days of receiving the order.